New Release: Deception by Alex Carreras

New Release: Deception by Alex Carreras

Happy release day to Alex Carreras with Deception, the 3rd book in The Boys of Banana Court series. This is Isaac and Mohammed’s Story and follows two young gay men as they find their true selves.

Isaac Bronstein likes his life the way it is. He lives in a town, he loves his two best friends, and is doing great in school and at work. So, what’s not to like? It’s the other people in his life who find his existence disappointing, namely his parents, especially his mother, Sandra.

Mohammed Connelly is straight. He’s been straight all his life. So what if he has sex with men? That doesn’t mean he’s gay, does it? If he were, why would he have a girlfriend and why would his parents constantly be dreaming of his wedding day? There was only one problem—Mohammed didn’t want to get married to his girlfriend, or any girl for that matter. He just couldn’t see it in his future. What he could see was sharing a life with Isaac … who happened to be a man. Certainty turns to uncertainty when he begins to ask himself—Am I man enough to be gay?

Reader Advisory: This Gay Romance will make your heart race and your breath catch. You are not dying. It’s just a hot read!

Available to purchase from HERE