Winnawarra by Elizabeth M. Darcy Receives ARRA Nomination

Winnawarra by Elizabeth M. Darcy Receives ARRA Nomination

Congratulations to Elizabeth M. Darcy ARRA 2017 Finalist for Winnawarra. The nomination is in the Favourite Romantic Suspense category. The voting is open to ARRA members, who can vote using the link on their ARRA newsletter. The voting will close on 22nd March. Good luck Elizabeth.

Heart pounding suspense and feel good romance set in the Australian Outback.

Emily Perkins is over the moon to learn Jock Macgregor has left her a share in Winnawarra Station in the magnificent Kimberly region of Outback Australia. The bonus comes when she realises, his handsome grandson, Doug is the man of her dreams. She loves working beside him and every day is an adventure.

After receiving a letter from Jock, she discovers he was convinced the accident that killed his son and daughter-in-law was actually murder, and he included her in his will to investigate the deaths.

When accidents start happening to Emily, and she hears footsteps outside her room at night, she is convinced someone is stalking her.

Is she next on the killer’s list?

Isolated on an Outback cattle ranch, will strong, dependable Doug be able to keep her safe?

A murderer is loose at Winnawarra Station, and she must race against time to identify the killer before he strikes again.

PUBLISHER NOTE: Australian Rural Romance. A full-length Romantic Suspense novel of 81,372 words.

Winnawarra link: [button et_class=”” target=”_self” style=”small” url=”” icon=”” title=”BUY LINK”]