NEW RELEASE: Broken Promise by Annie Oakfield

NEW RELEASE: Broken Promise by Annie Oakfield

Annie Oakfield’s latest story in the Memoirs of a Male Succubus, BROKEN PROMISE releases today.

Needs must as the devil drives.

Samuel Driver was a thug, a thief, and a career criminal—until the moment he got himself killed. His violent escapades guaranteed him a place in Hell, but his fighting spirit earned him a reprieve, and a chance to walk the Earth once again.

Contracted to become a male Succubus—a reaper of human life forces—Sam discovers a hidden talent for seducing men. He becomes so proficient, his demonic caseworker singles him out for a series of special tasks, which promise to improve the conditions of Sam’s demonic contract.

But when Sam’s shapeshifting abilities are compromised, he faces difficult choices in his career as a Succubus, and in his love life. Trapped in a single form, how can he continue his stealthy pursuit of human life force, and how can he hold onto the man he loves when his face has become that of a stranger’s?

Reader Beware: This story will plunge you into the world of gay orgies as orchestrated by those who would profit from the pleasure of others. Could be fun.


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