New Release: Becoming Joann by Jason Walker

New Release: Becoming Joann by Jason Walker

Happy release day to Jason Walker with his Transgender Romance novel, Becoming Joann.

Sometimes, things aren’t always as they seem.

Amanda met a new friend. Joann was beautiful and charming, but there was something different about her. Amanda and her husband soon discover that Joann is much more. They are going to help her find her true place in the World and possibly love.

Reader Advisory: This Contemporary Erotic Romance contains the theme of a transgender man coming to terms with his true sexuality and finding the freedom to express himself as the woman he has always known himself to be.

A message from the author:

This book is dedicated to all of those individuals who struggle with discovering their sexual identity. May each of you find the happiness you so richly deserve.  Never forget, you are you, and love is love. No boundaries, no limits.

Available from Luminosity [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” ]