Branded by the Texas Rancher on offer at ARe

Branded by the Texas Rancher on offer at ARe

How about 50% off an  #erotic #western #read ?

ARe are offering Branded by the Texas Rancher at the check-out. You know what they say, here today gone tomorrow.

Twenty-eight-year-old English schoolteacher Rebecca Wade moves to Texas, leaving behind an unhappy past. Keeping to herself, she vows to steer clear of men. When she meets bad boy rancher Jed Monroe, the father of one of her pupils, she immediately disapproves of his carefree ways and irresponsible attitude.

With Jed working on her house in exchange for his daughter’s extra tuition, Rebecca is determined to stay aloof. But how can she remain detached when just the mere sight of Jed Monroe causes the sexual woman within her to emerge?

Jed has only one thing on his mind, and that’s Rebecca. The ice maiden has lit the touch-paper inside him. He will stop at nothing until she becomes his.

Can the Texas rancher bring out the simmering passion within Rebecca? Or will she be too scared to let go?

PUBLISHER NOTE: This Erotic Cowboy Romance was previously published by best-selling author, Jan Bowles