“Keep your wits about you,” Maxamillion warned Valerie under his breath as he sipped his martini. He sat next to her at the hotel bar, and continued, “I consider myself an expert in the judgment of character. At times I am able to predict a person’s flaws well before they are able to. And I can see liars for who they are from great distances. You and Christian are surrounded by liars. You see, a liar builds a house of cards from all the mistruths spoken from his lips. Such a house of cards cannot remain standing because liars are careless. And when this house of cards falls, anyone near, guilty or innocent, could be crushed under the weight of the ruins. Forgive me for being so mysterious.”
“I know I’m surrounded by liars,” Valerie agreed. “But I’m one of them,” she admitted. “I’ve been lying to myself for so long that I’m not sure I would recognize the truth if I spoke it. I understand what you’re saying about a house of cards. But there’s no escape for either me or Christian. When it falls, we’ll be doomed with the rest of them.”
“It doesn’t need to be that way,” Maxamillion challenged quietly. “I could help before it gets to that point. All you have to do is ask.”
“Why would you help us? You don’t come across as the kind of man who does something out of the kindness of his heart.”
“You’re a talented judge of character, yourself,” he complimented her. “You are correct in your assessment of me. My heart is mostly void of kindness, but not entirely. For Christian, I would sell what fragments of my soul are left to Satan. I would extend such a courtesy to you, as well.”
“Why? I told you that I’m a liar like the rest of them.”
“You’re nothing like the rest of them,” Maxamillion rejected her words. “You, my dear Valerie, are a unique type of liar. Most of the lies you commit yourself to are lies you believe of yourself. These are far more destructive lies than those being spoken around you. You keep doubt as your constant companion. You banish your self-confidence. You loathe yourself and discount your worth.”
“How do you know me so well?”
“Your mannerisms, the distance in your eyes, the tinge of sadness corrupting your expression. Yet you are not too far beyond salvation.”
“Who could save me?”
“Christian could.”