

Brand:TK Lawyer

Why was it so hard to find a good man?

Single female seeks rare, coveted treasure.

That was the announcement Tatiana wanted to post.

A strong, loving, committed male partner was what she sought.  What she found, instead, were several frogs and too many toads.  Where was her elusive prince?  Did he exist or did she miss her opportunity?

Jasper isn’t seeking a mate. His only intention is to rescue Tatiana from a near-fatal car accident and then go in pursuit of his next assignment.  However, intent and reality don’t always coincide.  Saving Tatiana altered his world and now he can’t leave.  But making introductions and claiming her heart was not going to be easy.  He has a secret he is forbidden to disclose.

As much as Jasper craves Tatiana, he can’t override her free will.  In the end, whether being with him or not is her decision. Will Tatiana welcome the powerful being who adores her and only wants to protect her, forever? Or will his secret be too much for her to accept?

Reader Advisory: A loving, protective angel intent on winning his enchanting, curvy, human weaves a fun tale interlaced with flirtatious foreplay and sensual, passionate moments.

PUBLISHER NOTE:  Paranormal Romance. Angels and Demons. Rubenesque. 90,000 words. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

♥♥♥ Scorching-Hot Romance

M/F Romance

The Guardian League – Book One

SKU: 979-8-215381-59-5 Categories: , , Tag:


He wanted her. He needed her. These words were foreign to Tatiana, plus they didn’t make sense when coming straight out of the mouth of an angel. She could understand the want maybe, but what did Jasper need her for?

He was an angel for goodness’ sake! He didn’t need anything. But he said it was her. Hmmm.

At times, their conversation ended up in the bedroom, on top or under the covers in several compromising positions that always ended in one or both shouting in pleasure. She loved these times and she craved more of them. She was insatiable when it came to Jasper and what he offered. She wanted it all and now!

However, she didn’t want to string him along. That’s what she tried not to do but couldn’t help thinking she was doing exactly that. She kept asking herself what she needed in order to make a decision. Safety. She’d been burned too many times in the past by men leaving her and Jasper ended up being one of the shameful statistics. But he couldn’t provide her with reassurance and, as a result, she couldn’t give him an answer. They were at a stalemate, it seemed; no one was the winner, and both ended up the losers. She wanted love, she wanted commitment, but she wanted stability too.

It was time to tell him the only decision she could come up with, the one that would be the best for both of them.
She turned toward Jasper on the couch and reached for his hands. “I’ve made up my mind.”

“You have?”

She nodded.

“My sweet angel.”

Jasper smiled.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Jasper mouthed.

“I don’t want my decision to impact you being around and I don’t want to lose you as my Guardian Angel either.”

His face fell. “What are you saying?”

She drew in a deep breath. “We have a strong bond, you and I, I think, but…” Tatiana grimaced, and tears started to flow down her cheeks.

“Why are you crying? What’s going on?”

She gathered inner strength she didn’t know she had, to continue and choked out, “We’re not meant to be together.” Her hands fell to her thighs. She hunched forward and cried aloud. Jasper placed a hand on her shoulder, and she flung it off her and shook her head.

“Why are you doing this?” He shifted further toward her.

“You’re not mine. You belong to the world. Your work with the Guardian League and they—”

“Would not suffer because of us,” Jasper interrupted her. “What else are you trying to tell me? What other excuses have you come up with?” Jasper rose from the couch.

She looked up at him. “I’m not trying to hurt you.”

“Then why are you?” He splayed his hands out to his sides, palms up.

Tears streamed from her eyes and splashed onto her shirt.

“You are my mate!” Jasper bellowed. “Do you understand what that is for an angel? No, I think not.” Jasper stared at her. “I can’t do without you.”