

Brand:TK Lawyer

Centurion thinks he has it all—until the one subject plaguing him and affecting his colleagues, in strange, undesirable ways, stands in front of him.

As second-in-command of the prestigious volunteer band of angels called The Guardian League, co-guardian to a talented charge in New Orleans, Louisiana, and hosting a wealth of swooning ladies available at his every whim, nothing in his life was missing.

Yet one day, at an art exhibition, he encounters April—a woman as strong and hot as the human beverage that tickles his fancy. A beautiful, lush female that stokes the fire deep within him he never knew existed and makes him question his self-imposed rules regarding human-angel relationships. He doesn’t know what to do. Yet, he knows he can’t lose her.

Overwhelmed by his sudden introduction, April never thought she would find a buff, strong angel standing in front of her, much less, asking her for a date. Yet, Centurion goes by his own set of rules, and he doesn’t want permanency. He wants April—on his own terms and at his beck and call. April can’t agree.

Still, there is something about Centurion that draws her to the cocky, devilishly handsome but mostly incorrigible male and it’s not just his good looks, his killer kisses, or his suave finesse. There is something more.

Will she stick around to find out what it is? Will they form a compromise and allow love to bind them together? Or will Centurion’s carefree lifestyle wedge them apart—forever?

PUBLISHER NOTE: Paranormal Romance. Angels and Demons. 63,600 words. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

♥♥♥ Scorching-Hot Romance

M/F Romance

The Guardian League – Book 2

SKU: 979-8-201981-40-2 Categories: , , Tag:


“Did you need me?”

April kept her head down.

“April! Did you call me away from a mission without a purpose?” Centurion’s body temperature smoldered, warming to a rising inferno. His shoulders tightened, his jaw tensed and he gritted his teeth. He left his men for her.

April looked up. “I’m sorry, Centurion, I panicked.”

“You panicked? I was on a mission! I left my men to come to your aide. I thought you were in trouble. I can’t believe you called me for no good reason!” he bellowed.

April grabbed him as he turned away. “Please, don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry. Please, lover.” April lifted up on her tiptoes to kiss him but being too short she missed his lips and kissed him on the chin, instead. He grabbed her around the waist, pulled her up, and kissed her.

“Centurion, I love your lips.” Her neck softened, and her head fell back. He followed her down, traced the rim of her mouth with his tongue, and plunged in.

She murmured in between gasps for air. He placed her feet on the ground and took a step back.

“You tempt me.” He wiped one arm across his mouth.

April leaned her back against the wall. She lifted an arm overhead, stretched her upper body, tilted her head to one side, and curled her index finger in front of him in a “come hither” gesture.

Centurion did. He planted his hands on the wall next to her. His voice deepened into a rough, husky tone.

“You’re drunk, but you still entice me.”

He ran several fingers down the underside of her arm and across her chest. She drew in a sharp intake of breath. “You draw me in like fire needs air to survive.” He caressed the side of her waist. “My beautiful flame.” He palmed one breast, rubbing his thumb across the center. She moaned and whispered his name. He cupped the back of her head and leaned in for a kiss. His tongue slipped through her supple barrier.

“I want you, April, but not like this. I want you coherent.” He pulled back.

“No!” She grabbed his arm. “It’s okay.”

“You sure?” He searched her eyes for resistance, but she nodded.

“I want you too.”

“Here?” He looked left, right, and back at her.

“You’re an angel. Don’t you have powers?”

His grin widened with the increase of salacious thoughts vying for attention. He didn’t have to look into a mirror to find desire spreading through his eyes, like lava over land, he knew it was there. He felt it in his bones, running through his muscles, fueling his blood. He had wanted her since the day he met her. Despite her inebriated state, she said “yes.” He asked her one more time what she wanted, citing her rights under the laws of free will and his own concerns of her regret.

She grabbed onto the mesh of his armor and pulled him toward her. “Take me, Centurion.”

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