Accidental Threesome

Accidental Threesome

How to get a best friend into deep trouble . . .

Cindy is conflicted; horny, but committed to both her boyfriend and her best friend Becky, she agrees to go on a double-date to help Becky ensnare part-time lover Jake.

But when the handsome Jake turns up with an equally handsome friend, and the alcohol takes its toll on Cindy’s self-control, the eighties theme party moves into the realm of the naughties.

Reader Advisory: Contains nudity and grown women (who ought to know better) dressed as naughty schoolgirls.

PUBLISHER NOTE: Accidental M/F/M encounters. Oops. 16,000 words.

♥♥♥♥ Red-Hot Romance

M/F/M Erotic Romance

The Erotic Adventures of Cindy Wicked – Book 1


“Anyone want a drink?” Becky raised a bottle of Jack and two glasses.

“Not if we’re driving,” Jake said, glancing at Adam. The guys had taken a sofa each, ready for the girls to sit beside them. With nowhere else to park her barely-covered bottom, Cindy sank down beside Adam, still wearing her outdoor coat.

“I don’t mind if you boys want to stay over.” Becky raised her eyebrow suggestively. For good measure, she rocked her hips from side to side, then licked her lips.

“Really?” Adam asked.

“Really. Why not?”

“What the hell,” Adam said. He reached for a glass. Becky poured a generous measure and passed it to him. Becky had invited them all to sleep over, which meant sex all round. Sex for everybody.

Jake’s hand slipped around Becky’s waist, and he moved in to kiss her. She responded eagerly, opening her mouth, and moaning as their lips met.

“Wow,” Adam said softly. “Fast mover.”

“When she sees something she wants . . .” Cindy crossed her legs tightly and hunched forward, hiding her face with the glass.

“She goes right after it?”

“Something like that.”

“Can I call you Sin?”

“Everyone calls me Cindy,” she answered. “Sin always sounds so . . . slutty.” The irony of her comment made her close her eyes and shake her head. Slutty was going home drunk with a man she’d only met an hour ago. Slutty was dressing up as a scruffy schoolgirl, teasing guys with the promise of a gangbang, and then considering same-room sex with her BFF and her married lover.

Becky had her hand on the back of Jake’s head now, pulling him against her. The other hand was stroking his hip. Both of Jake’s hands were around Becky’s waist, slipping beneath her untucked blouse. Adam’s leg rested casually against Cindy’s, but he made no other move to touch her.

“It’s getting hot in here,” Adam tugged at his collar.

“Maybe too hot, too quickly,” Cindy replied.

“Come on you guys,” Becky broke the kiss long enough to speak. “Have some fun.” She winked at her friend, who looked distinctly uncomfortable.

“Maybe another drink?” Jake suggested.

“Cindy, would you like another?”

“I’m good.” Cindy showed him her untouched glass.

“Get it down your neck,” Becky insisted. Her friend sighed, staring at the amber liquid. Her eyes were distant. After a moment, she rose to her feet and passed the glass to Becky.

“What’s?” Becky began. “Oh, the bathroom’s through—”

“I’m sorry, everyone.” Cindy turned and headed for the door. Becky jumped up.

“What? Where are you—”

“I’m sorry, Becky. I can’t do this.” She pulled out the bands in her hair. Her pigtails came apart, and strawberry blonde hair fell around her shoulders, adding fifteen years to her face. “Part of me really wants to, but I couldn’t live with myself afterward.” Her eyes shone with unshed tears.

“Cindy, please . . .”

“I can’t. I’m so sorry. I have to go.” Before anyone else could speak, she opened the door and hurried out. Adam sank back onto the sofa as the front door closed. The three of them exchanged embarrassed glances in silence.

“Well . . .” Becky finally spoke. “All the more for me?” She rose to her feet, swept up Cindy’s glass, and drained it before setting it down on the table. Then she trotted off to find another bottle.