NEW RELEASE: Chaste No More by Jason Walker
Helen spelled out her rules while Mike listened. The list contained many things she wouldn’t do, and only a few that she would. It should have been a non-starter for him, but there was an allure and an unspoken challenge to her requirements. She was attracted to him, but she had been so guarded she had all but forgotten what it was like to pursue a physical encounter, much less an actual relationship. On a whim, Helen responded to an ad but quickly encountered a handsome reality. Would she go through with meeting him? Could he be the one to chip away her armor?
“If you adhere to your stated requirements, why did you ever bother to respond to my post? It would seem that our end goals are diametrically opposed.”
They paused while a server placed their dishes. After he left and they each had a few bites, she daintily wiped her lips before speaking.
“I can’t say I really know. I stumbled on that site purely by accident. I had mistyped another website’s address. Once there, I became intrigued and explored a bit. Your post caught my eye, so I responded. It’s no more complicated than that.”
Mike put down his fork. “I disagree. It is much more complicated than that. I thought I stated what I was seeking pretty clearly, yet, your comments, and even the almost dowdy manner you project, seems incongruous to my ends.”
A flash of a smile crossed her lips. “Perhaps it is time for me to consider my options.”