Dancing Queen Now Available Free

Dancing Queen Now Available Free

Psst . . .  we thought we’d let you into a little secret . . . shhh . . .  DANCING QUEEN is now FREE in ebook format everywhere. How long this will last, we don’t know but download your copy before this fantastic offer disappears forever.


What AusRom Today thought:
A refreshing genre-busting story of a divorced, older (I hasten to add by society’s standards not mine) heroine who is determined to embrace her singledom while simultaneously casting aside her self- and societally-imposed sexual repression through casual erotic encounters.

Diane Demetre offers a story that challenges our pre-conceived notions of what “women of a certain age” should or should not be doing and she does this in an empowering manner. The heroine embraces and cherishes her female friendships and though this aided in the flow of the plot, it also highlights the importance for women of having encouraging and supportive female companionship.

Most importantly, we see the heroine herself allow the experiences of her new-found freedom to shape her own future thus enabling her to escape the repressive nature of her pre-divorce life.

All in all, an erotic and exciting read sure to captivate and thrill readers of any age.

Review by Jaimee Brooker AUS ROM TODAY

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