NEW RELEASE: Contract Amended

NEW RELEASE: Contract Amended

Happy release day to Annie Oakfield with Contract Amended, the latest story in her exciting Paranormal Erotica.

M/M Paranormal Erotica

They put the ‘stud’ in ‘studio.’

Samuel Driver was a thug, a thief, and a career criminal — until the moment he got himself killed. His violent escapades guaranteed him a place in Hell, but his fighting spirit earned him a reprieve, and a chance to walk the Earth once again.

Contracted to become a male Succubus — a reaper of human life forces — Sam discovers a hidden talent for seducing men. He becomes so proficient, his demonic caseworker singles him out for a series of special tasks, which promise to improve the conditions of Sam’s demonic contract.

But the tasks are far from straightforward, and Sam must summon all his guile in order to seduce four men into signing a binding business contract together.


Reader Beware: This story will plunge you into the seedy world of gay movie making, where nothing is what it appears to be . . . especially the scenery.


Available from Luminosity