On the Prowl

On the Prowl

Fallen off the dating wagon? Time to get back on top.

Cindy has decided that steady relationships suck.

Tired of trying to find ‘Mister Right,’ Cindy throws all caution to the wind and decides to have some good, old-fashioned casual sex.

The doubting words of her girlfriend spur her onto a new level, where she’s determined to prove she can snare a guy without her friend’s help. Not only that, she’s set herself the target of snaring two, maybe three men in the same night.

Watch out world. Cindy is on the prowl.

Reader Advisory: Contains scenes of nudity and vivid descriptions of a very determined thirty-something woman ravishing men one after the other.

PUBLISHER NOTE: Intense M/F encounters, and F/F flirting. 78,000 words. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

♥♥♥♥ Red-Hot Romance

The Erotic Adventures of Cindy Wicked – Book 6


“How long’s it been?” he asked. “Since you were with a man? If you’re super-horny, it must have been weeks, or months?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“No need to be embarrassed about a dry spell.”

“Oh, it’s been . . . probably a whole . . .” Hour? 

“Year? No wonder you’re hungry for sex.” He passed her a tall glass of cola.

She nodded. “I am. I’m really hungry.” She drained half the glass and sighed with contentment.

“Should we adjourn to the bedroom?”

“No?” She glanced at the sofa. “I’d like to start in here.” Memories of the fun she’d had with Spike and Liam arose in her mind. She’d felt so free being naked in the living room where everybody could see her. Being naked in the bedroom felt so . . . vanilla these days.

“Last time, you danced for me.” He wagged his semi hopefully. “Would you do it again?”

“You mean like this?” She pushed up her hair with both hands and rolled her hips, enjoying the sheer exhibitionism of the moment. I’m loving this, showing myself off to this fit guy to get him hard!

“That is so hot,” he murmured. “You have an amazing body.”

“So do you.” She raised an eyebrow. “Maybe you could dance with me.”

He laughed. “I dance like an ironing board. I’m better on the track than I am on the dance floor.”

“Better in bed too?”

He nodded. “All that training builds stamina.”

“Turn around for me. I want to see your body.”

“Sure.” He did as she asked, and a groan escaped her throat at the sight of his hard buttocks. “Last time, you sucked me.”

“I remember. Want me to do it again?”

“Definitely, and after that, I ’d like to taste you again.”

Music to my ears. “Over here?” She indicated the sofa.

“Yes, but first, I want to kiss you.”

“Well, then.” She stretched out her arms towards him. “Come here and kiss me.” When he pressed himself against her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted back her head. His kiss was deep, eager, hungry, and so delicious, she saw no reason to hurry it along. His cock swelled, growing hotter, and it shifted a little higher with each minute their lips were together.

“I want to taste you,” he murmured.

“Maybe we could taste each other at the same time.”


“Everybody wins.”

“I should be underneath,” he said. “I don’t want to squash you.”

“Good thinking.” She released him and waited until he’d stretched out on the sofa, naked and erect. She swung a knee carefully past his face and pressed it into the tight gap between the back and seat cushions, and then lowered herself onto him, keeping one foot on the floor. The sofa wasn’t as wide as it appeared, but there was enough room for her to lower herself onto his face.

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