New World Old Blood

New World Old Blood

Across the gray ocean lies a New World . . .

Indentured manservant, Isaac, must accompany his master, Lord Blaydon, across the cold Atlantic Ocean, where the New World awaits them both.

With the Blackthorn destined to arrive in New Hampshire before the Moon turns twice, Isaac finds new ways to endure the solitude of ocean travel, learning new and exotic ways of loving with each fresh partner.

But betrayal and other dangers lie in wait for the young man, and Isaac must take great care if he is to survive the voyage unharmed.

Reader Advisory: A Paranormal Romantic Suspense story describing young men who are seduced by older and more experienced lovers aboard an 18th-century sailing ship. May contain nudity.

PUBLISHER NOTE: MM Gay Shifter Romance. Parallel Historic and Contemporary. MM and MMM encounters. 25,800 words.

♥♥♥♥ Red-Hot Romance

M/M Romance

The Gay Wolves of New Hampshire – Book 2


“Isn’t tonight the Full Moon?” Jake asked.

Jamie nodded. “I think you’re right.”

“Thank Gaia,” Jake groaned. “My balls are swelled to bursting.”

“They do look tight.” Jake leaned forward to peer between my legs. “I’m so horny. I can’t stop thinking about getting naked and hard tonight.”

“I’m ready to bless the forest with my seed,” Jamie confessed. “What about you, Luke? Aren’t you ready to come?” Jake made a show of reaching for me, wriggling his fingers and grinning. But his fingers fell short of my thigh.

Jake grinned. “Jamie’s old enough to touch now.”

When Jamie nodded, I stared. “Why haven’t you touched one of the older ones already? I would have.”

Jamie plucked at a random blade of grass. before answering. “I haven’t wanted to.”

“You haven’t wanted to?” Jake echoed. “It’s all I can think about. I can’t wait to get involved. Playing alone is boring!

“Even in a circle?” I asked.

Jake rolled his eyes. “Haven’t you wondered what a hard cock feels like?”

“I know what it feels like,” I laughed, wagging my recovering manhood. “Every morning.”

“I meant somebody else’s! It can’t feel the same. It just . . . can’t.”

“Maybe Jamie can tell us?” I turned to study the older boy’s face, but his expression remained impassive, his eyes downcast.

“I honestly don’t know. It’s never really interested me.”

“I think something’s wrong with him,” Jake whispered loudly.

“Nothing’s wrong with me,” Jamie insisted. “I mean, it’s interesting watching the others playing with themselves and making themselves come, but I’ve never wanted to do it for them. Not really.”

Jake turned to me. “What about you, Luke?”

“Hmm?” I’d been distracted by the image of our moonlit gatherings, six hard cocks blessing the forest with our seed.

“Don’t you want to hold somebody else’s cock in your hand and make them come?”

I nodded. “That’d be great, as long as they’d do the same for me.” I thought about the situation. “That’s the part I’m looking forward to the most, I think.”

“Having somebody make you come?” Jamie asked. “Okay, I suppose that would feel nice.”

“You’d have to return the favor,” Jake pointed out. “It’d be rude to have somebody help you, and not help them to come.”

“I suppose.” Did he really not want to get involved with the others? I was already growing hard.

“Somebody definitely likes the idea.” Jake pointed out my erection to Jamie, who smiled.

“You should find somebody,” I suggested. “One of the older boys who’d be happy to help you.”

“It’s okay,” he replied. “I’d rather stay with our own circle.”

“But you can’t touch any of us,” Jake pointed out. “Not until we’re older.”

“Or we shift,” I added.

“And I told you, it doesn’t bother me.”

Jake shrugged. “Okay, suit yourself. I guess you won’t want to touch me when Fall ends.”

Jamie sighed. “We’ll see what happens.”

Jake nodded. “I guess we will.”


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