Dark Captive

Dark Captive

She shouldn’t enjoy being kidnapped, should she?

Laura has been kidnapped. She is bound, gagged and cannot see, and taken to a strange building. All her other senses, smell, taste, touch and hearing, come into play in determining where she is and who has taken her.

Her captor, Todd, is a Dominant, who relishes his role. And Laura is special. He loves having submissives who challenge him and punishes Laura for trying to escape and cares for her when she stumbles—unable to see where she is going—in equal measures.

As the evening progresses, Todd keeps her off balance giving her out-of-this-world experiences, always making sure she climaxes. On the one hand, he caresses her and the next he slaps her. Being into BDSM, Laura finds it very arousing, but that goes against everything her head is telling her. She shouldn’t enjoy it—should she?

Reader Advisory: This Dark Romance novelette contains scenes of dominance and submission, kidnapping and bondage with a Dom, who pushes his captive out of her comfort zone.

♥♥♥♥ Red-Hot Romance

10,476 words (34 pages)

Dark Romance, Forced Seduction, Kidnapping, Anal Sex, Spanking

SKU: 978-1-910899-89-2 Categories: , , ,


As they went into a room, he stopped. Laura heaved a sigh of relief when the man bent his shoulder, and her feet touched the floor. Taking some trembling breaths beneath the gag, she wished he would remove it. It was getting wet and yucky. As she wondered what was going to happen next, she hoped he would take all her binds off so she could at least have a fighting chance against him.

The sound of the door clicking shut, and then locking, was loud—and final. Now she was alone in a room with a person who promised he would hurt her.

Her captor prodded her to move forward.

“Go on.”

Laura hesitated after a few steps, unsure what to expect. Uncertain what he expected of her—the man who had kidnapped her and brought her to a strange building, to an unfamiliar room.

Large hands folded around her shoulders from behind squeezing her in an oddly calming way before nudging her to go on, making her stumble. “Uh-uh, lady. Don’t stop now. There’s nothing in front of you.” His voice was deep, and silky smooth—like a dangerous predator. Gorgeous, but deadly.

Laura shivered as she hesitantly walked forward a few more paces, not really believing his words.

He grunted behind her. “So you don’t trust me, eh?”

No, I don’t! She hated being out of her comfort zone. Her boyfriend teased her she should let him take her out more often, particularly to new places she’d never been before. He reckoned she was missing out on life.

And now she was experiencing ‘life.’ She snorted to herself. It wasn’t what she thought her boyfriend had been suggesting, which was more along the lines of dinner in a nice restaurant, maybe a concert or even a club.

“I’ll have to cure you of this mistrust, my dear.”

Laura became aware his voice was coming from a different direction. He had moved ahead of her.

Making a sudden decision, Laura ran in the direction she considered the door to be. It took about five or six steps before her shoulder connected with a thud.


Turning around anxiously so she could get at the lock with her hands still tied behind her back, she fiddled with the handle. Her heart pounding, she desperately tried to get it open. She had almost succeeded when she heard running footsteps as he came up behind her slamming the door shut again, denying her freedom, keeping her prisoner.

Laura groaned. It had been a long shot at best.

“Where exactly do you think you’re going?” His voice was low and sardonic, clearly amused by her vain attempt to escape.

His arms were either side of her face, and he pressed his body against hers. She could feel his hard cock against her and shivered in reaction.

I nearly made it. Except where would she have gone once out, not being able to see anything? It was rather stupid, she knew.

His breathing was harsh against her cheek, although his voice sounded amused. “Oh, I see. You want to play games, do you? Don’t worry. We are going to play some great games. We’ve played catch—and now I’ve caught you. Clever me. Next comes leader of the pack. I’ll show you who is in charge around here, and then maybe we’ll play some ball games.” He laughed at his joke.

A slither of fear—or excitement went through her belly, knotting her stomach. I’m not aroused. I’m not!

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