

The transformational journey of a woman who dared to be more

Long before the global #metoo movement, Diane Demetre was dramatically sacked by her producer for apparently being ‘too fat’ after she refused his sexual advances. She took him to court, and the ensuing court cases for wrongful dismissal became some of the highest-profile cases in Australia in the 1980s.

DARE is a no-holds-barred account of Diane’s rise from being born an illegitimate child given up for adoption to fulfilling her dream in the entertainment industry and directing the largest production shows staged in Australia. But when she was terminated, there were no laws to protect her. Now, Diane reveals the unimaginable public humiliation and heartbreak of losing herself, her career, and her destiny.

Follow Diane’s thirty-year quest for truth as she discovers that our lives aren’t random events over which we have little influence. Calling on her background as an educator, speaker, and successful entrepreneur, Diane uses touchstones in her life to outline fifty insights that expanded her consciousness, connected her to being, and transformed her life.

Join this journey within, DARE to master your destiny, and be more than you ever imagined.

SKU: 978-1-7384979-1-1 Category:


Praise for Dare

A dancer, a choreographer, a speaker, an author of contemporary fiction, a wife, a fur baby mother, a daughter, an adopted daughter, a step parent to a large and growing Greek family, an entrepreneur and a visionary, Diane is as prolific as she is passionate, and her effervescence is infectious.

She is a woman to be admired with a life story you can’t afford to miss.

—Tippi Hedren
Hollywood Actress and Animal Rights Activist

Demetre is a strong, determined, successful woman who has self- actualized more than most. This is evident in this engaging memoir. She is clearly a passionate and experienced writer, her prose sophisticated, her narrative moving. Her spiritual experiences are compelling, unique, and very readable making this book a strong, fascinating addition to the memoir/spiritual journey genre.

—Book Life Review

DARE is an incredibly beautiful and challenging journey, Diane, and I cherished every page. Your story of overcoming wildly inappropriate advances in your career provided me with a chance to reflect on my own experiences and imagine a world where women aren’t burdened by exploitation and domination. I’m truly in awe of you.

On behalf of women in Australia and around the globe, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you, Diane, for being a pioneer in the #MeToo movement, creating space for women to be bold and strong enough to say no.

Together, your readers can now rise and change the world!

—Annie Gibbons
Founder & CEO – Women’s Biz Global

DARE has solid grounds to become a relevant film drama with a satisfactory resolution to the crime of harassment committed against a woman. Diane is a woman who, despite being tormented by childhood traumas, has a strength that leads her to follow her rights and dreams. This is very inspiring and engaging at this time when discussions are abundant about the feminist movement.

—Taleflick Pick