

What would you do if they held you captive against your will?

NASA researches Jaxon Montero and Kevin Prophet have been abducted and held captive by aliens. They are now in the fight of their lives. They know they can only get through this if they stick together. With a plan to escape, they will do everything to get home.

Xand Lume is the commander of the Titus, a scientific vessel sent out from his home world to find compatible life to mate with. When he hears from the commander of the Titan that a life form has been found, he meets with Elian, taking the two human males he has in stock to give to the royal family. He never expects to feel a deep attraction for, Jaxon and Kevin. Unable to deny his need to have the males, he seduces both of them.

Jaxon and Kevin are desperate to get home but as they get closer to Xand they quickly discover going home won’t be as easy as they planned.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of hot alien sex with males from Earth

♥♥♥♥ Red-Hot Romance

MMM, Menage, Gay, Alien Sex

37,480 words approx.

Titan Year 3


“You sure you want to do this?” Xand asked.

“Bring it. I’m not afraid of you.”

Xand circled around, using his size to intimidate him. “You should be.”

Jaxon’s heart pounded. “Give me a reason to.”

Xand came in close, picking him up and rushing him against the wall and pinning him there. Jaxon’s breath let out in a great whoosh as his hard dick pressed against the alien’s chest. “Is this reason enough? I can break you.”

A moan escaped Jaxon’s parted lips as he reached between his legs, stroking his throbbing prick. “I want you to break me.”

Xand’s eyes went wide as he realized what he was doing. “You don’t want to tease me, male.”

“Why not?”

“I’ll have you right here and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

Ignoring his threat, Jaxon muscled his dick out of his pants, rubbing it against the silky smooth feel of his warm sweat. The alien groaned, tightening his hold on Jaxon’s ass cheeks, using his long fingers to press against his rim. “If you have me, you have Kevin too. We both want you.”

The alien cursed in his foreign tongue. Jaxon was quite sure he was going to drop him to his feet but he didn’t. He gripped his ass tighter, making a moan of pleasure escape his lips. Pre-cum leaked from his aching cockhead. It waved just below Xand’s wide mouth and firm lips. What sounded like a war cry exploded from Xand as he lowered his hungry mouth down onto Jaxon’s prick. He swallowed his dick, sucking hard. Jaxon cried out, arching into his touch as Xand sucked him so hard his balls bounced up and down. His tongue was rough as it pressed and licked out, willing him to come before he could stop it from happening.

Lost in his sex-fogged mind, Jaxon opened his eyes to see Kevin crossing the mats with his right hand locked onto his dick through his pants. “Kevin!”

Xand moaned, licking his way off of Jaxon’s prick. He lowered Jaxon to his shaky feet. “You made a mistake by challenging me.”

Jaxon’s heart was racing as Xand ripped off the rest of his clothes. “Fuck.”

“Let go of him!” Kevin yelled.

A groan rippled through his chest as Xand grabbed hold of Kevin pushing him to the mat and tearing off his clothes. Kevin’s eyes went wide as Xand’s hungry mouth locked onto his dick and sucked hard as though he was a drug he was desperate to have. Kevin’s eyes rolled back into his head as his hips betrayed him and bucked wildly. Jaxon watched in wide-eyed desperation, stroking his dick as he watched Kevin’s hard prick disappear down Xand’s throat. The man had the ability to swallow them whole. The memory of that rough tongue on Jaxon’s cock was shoving him out over the edge.

A moan escaped his lips as he fell down onto the mat next to Kevin, grabbing him by the hair and kissing him passionately. Kevin opened his mouth wide, shoving his tongue over Jaxon’s parted lips. Strong hands locked around Jaxon’s dick. It didn’t take long for him to realize it wasn’t Kevin’s hands. It was Xand’s. The tip of his thumb rubbed over his cockhead, making Jaxon go crazy. He broke his mouth away from Kevin’s.

“I’m close.”

A whimper of need tore through Kevin as Xand broke his mouth away. “Fuck.”

Xand kicked his pants away and grabbed hold of Jaxon, positioning himself above him so that their cocks lined up. To Jaxon’s disbelief, he saw the tip of Xand’s cockhead slit open and suck his hard prick inside.

“Oh, fuck.”

Warm hot heat surrounded Jaxon’s dick as he watched his cock disappear into Xand’s body. His eyes locked with the alien’s as his prick went in tight. Xand’s face was twisted up in raw pleasure as Jaxon started to pump his cock in and out of his alien lover. Jaxon reached for Kevin, stroking his cock. Xand moaned, grabbing for Kevin’s prick with his mouth. The tip of Jaxon’s cock hit something rough deep within the alien. It felt so fucking good to rub that spot, he aimed for it every time he pumped his dick.

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